The Allies have entered Rome, and one report last night said that our forces had reached the centre of the city. Thus the first European capital occupied by the Germans has been liberated. The capture of Rome comes almost exactly four years from the day Ñ June 10, 1940 Ñ when Mussolini declared war on the Allies and three weeks after the start of the new Allied offensive. It was occupied by the Germans last September after Italy had signed an armistice with the Allies. Apparently there was little fighting after a last German stand on the outskirts, and a special announcement from HitlerÕs H.Q. last night said proposals had been sent to the Allies for regarding Rome as an open city and that the German lines had been taken back north-west of Rome. Our Special Correspondent, in his message written outside Rome at 4 p.m. yesterday, said: American troops have been fighting within the outskirts of Rome since early this morning. German troops, evidently picked men, are attempting to hold them up on the outskirts with self-propelled guns and long-range artillery fire. Forward elements of the force had reached Centocelle on Highway Six, which is only about four miles from the centre of Rome, before seven oÕclock this morning, encountering little resistance after Valmontone. At Centocelle they found road blocks and came under the fire of enemy guns. Civilians with whom I have spoken say the Germans had not yet carried out considerable demolitions and that no large numbers of the population have left Rome. Buildings along Highway Six on the outskirts of the city are mostly undamaged. The first official report from Allied H.Q. of the entry of our troops within the city limits said that resistance was sporadic.